ABA Services+


The Enrollment Process

Often times, families wonder what the process is like. Here’s exactly what to expect from the moment the process begins.

If you have any questions, contact us by email or phone at [email protected] or 1 (718) 540-2142 ext. 1974

Our Services for ABA

At Alpha and Omega Kids Developmental services, we provide home based therapy for children from birth 0-21 years of age. We aim at pairing the child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with a licensed Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) to utilize the Applied Behavioral Analysis technique to address all areas of development affected by ASD. Our Board Certified Behavioral Analysts will assess the child and design measurable functional goals through the collection of data. By utilizing evidence based techniques, our Behavior Analysts can meet the developmental needs of the child.

What is a BCBA?

A Board Certified Analyst is a licensed clinician who adapts and employs scientifically proven treatments that address the child’s functional outcomes. The BCBA is an expert in redirecting behaviors both negative and positive ones utilizing the unique methodology of ABA by increasing positive behaviors with the use of reinforcers.  Our BCBA’s and RBT’s will work 1:1 with the children to attain the goals on the treatment plan.

What is an RBT?

An RBT Registered Behavioral technician is trained and supervised by our BCBA’s in employing all the goals of the treatment plans while helping the child attain their full potential. The RBT works closely with the child on ABA methodologies, treatment plan implementation, recording, and behavior modifications all under the clinical direction and supervision of the BCBA. 

Who can receive BCBA services?

Every child referred with a diagnosis of ASD can benefit from receiving these services. This includes children already enrolled in Pre-school or School age services who do not receive the methodology of ABA as a form of treatment. Ie, in N.Y.C., If the child has been enrolled in C.P.S.E. or C.S.E. through the Department of Education, the child may still be eligible for ABA services through the use of private insurance. Our Specialized trained clinicians will come to your home to provide services, or services may also be provided through Tele -health.

What we do at Home Based or Tele-health Services

At Alpha and Omega Kids, we provide Home Based or Tele-health Services utilizing the unique methodological approach that is Applied Behavioral Analysis.  Our BCBA’s utilize a plan that is individualized to the specific needs striving to bring forth the child’s best clinical outcomes.  Our BCBA’s only engage in treatment plans that are scientifically proven while collecting data that is measurable, which yield the results of functional outcomes for the child. At Alpha we believe the best partnerships begin with the parents/family ensuring we get a clinical picture of the child. Here are the services offered: 

      • A licensed BCBA will assess the child’s functional level and come up with a treatment plan that best fits the child to maximize, measure, and ensure that the child’s functioning potential is reached.
      • Assist you with your child’s application process and once approved the assignment of an ABA trained therapist.
      • A BCBA or ABA trained Therapist will work on increasing and sustaining pro-social behaviors.
      • ASD is covered by insurance
      • Comprehensive Case Management by our team to assess whether you may need to apply for a specific insurance or benefits for your child.


ABA Therapy is the best clinically proven methods for helping children diagnosed with ASD develop in all functional areas.  

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